April 14, 2012

Reading- an adventure at home

Who of you likes to read? We sure do. Reading is probably one of the most important things in life. Because of reading we can learn so much. We can learn about God from the Bible, we can learn about facts of life by reading other people's experiences and discoveries or we can read exciting adventures while we sit at home with a cup of tea.

 How many of you know the feeling when you cannot but a book down because you just HAVE to know what comes next. I have read  books from quite a few authors where I know that if I start reading this I will not be able to put it down. Those books are the books we talk about for weeks afterwards and just HAVE to tell others to read it too. 
As a couple we have read 2-3 books together over the two years of dating. It kinda started when I (Iris) saw a book at college and started reading it. After about 4 chapters I knew Patrick would love it too and wanted to read it with him. Whenever I finished my schooling for the day I'd read 2-3 chapters out loud over Skype.  The first book we read together is called "X's and O's on Layaway". An awesome book about how a couple started dating and got married. Here is the blog for the book and you can buy it at Before The Kiss.

Iris and I want to list some of the books we like to read. Some of you will agree that they are good books and maybe some of you may find some new reading materials! ☺

  • The Bible, especially the book of Ester
  • Westerns from Louis L'amour
  • The Sacket Series 
  • Rustler Roundup
  • Bronce Bow
  • The Redwall Series

  •  The book of Proverbs in the Bible
  • Gown of Spanish Lave
  • Not My Will
  • All books from Jannette Oke
  • Song of Acadia Series
  • Peabody Series
  • A Bride for Donnigan
  • The Canadian West Series
  • Elsie Dinsmore Series
  • Any books on childtraining.
  • Dog books
  • If its a fictional story... I'll probably enjoy it. ☺

What books do you enjoy to read? We can't wait to read your comments!


  1. I agree! You do learn so much from reading! Its great! What would we do without books?!
    Well i would have to say i agree totally with what yous read! Some favorites of mine are the bible first and foremost and then there is anything by Melody Carlson and Janette Oak. :)

  2. Reading is definitely a number one hobby. The only time their were less reading is in college. LOL

    I think I have most of Janette Oke's books. I love her stories but I've never heard from Melody Carlson. I'll have to look into those books! ☺

  3. Came across your blog from "Fresh Modesty" and am really enjoying it... especially since I'm a missionary "kid" in Mozambique, Africa, and LDR could very well apply to me one day!!! I love that stack of Sugar Creek Gang books; they were my FAVORITE as a kid!!! Just a quick question, are you, Iris, German or if not what exactly are you doing in Germany, also what college did/are you attending in FL?

    Great blog!!!

    1. Hi Janell! I'm glad you are enjoying our blog! Yes, I am half German and grew up in Germany with my (German) mom.

      I attended and am now in Directed Studies with Landmark Baptist College in Haines City, FL. Here is their link: http://www.landmarkbaptistcollege.com/
      I really like their directed studies program. If you're thinking about taking college courses...check them out!

      If you want to follow our LD-love story you can subscribe! ♥☺


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