September 29, 2012

Updates on the move!

Normally I had scheduled to write number two of our LDR advice but we have some more news about Patrick's move to Germany. The Lord has really been blessing us so far! We both keep doubting but through so many ways the Lord continues to encourage us.

It took some time to get the paperwork filled out correctly and it looked like I would not get my passport in time for the dates I wanted to leave. I eventually went to the courthouse, got everything fixed, paid the extra fee for fast delivery and.... WAITED. We all waited, eagerly to get it so we could plan and buy tickets. Wednesday my passport finally came. Iris kept asking when I was going to buy tickets because I had been following and checking prices for the past two weeks now and I told her I would buy the tickets Friday.....we will get to tickets in a minute.

This is actually my (Iris') passport ☺

Well, today is a special day for another reason as well. Not only were the tickets bought but I also sold my car. I had not even put it on the market when a co-worker's family member heard about my car and wanted to come see it. Sunday I showed it to them and today I sold it. I got exactly the price I had wanted for it...another answered prayer. It was sad to sell my car though. I've almost had it 7 years now and I have many memories with this car.

Now to buying tickets: Sadly, the tickets got more expensive by almost a $100. We looked around some more and found one only $10 more than before and hurried to buy the tickets. Iris and I are very excited to finally know for sure when I'll be arriving. We have been waiting so long to know.

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited and no I didn't fall asleep as we wrote this almost 1 AM in the morning (for me) but I am really that excited. I can't help but smile so big when we talk about it or people ask me about it. :)

Its 2 weeks & 5 days until we are together...... (no I am not counting hours or minutes....yet!)

1 comment:

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