February 03, 2013

Day Three - Love the Present

Emma Block - cute!
Today I want to encourage you girls (me included) to love the present. I think that older people do wrong by living to much in the past and us young people...we do wrong to constantly be living in the future. 

In our teen/twenties there are a lot of decisions we have to make that will effect the rest of our lives...our future and much of what we do is to prepare for our future. Be it finishing High school, finishing college, deciding to stay home and learn on our own, which career to learn, start working at _____ or wait till_____.

How many times do we say: "When I am done with school I will.....", "When I am twenty-one......", "When I get married....." We are constantly living in "One day" instead of "To-day".

I want you to look around you. Do you have a good home? Good parents? Good church? Godly friends? Education? If you can say yes to any of these you are really blessed! How about the simple things like 3 meals a day, running water, a kitchen or washing machine. Then we all have those things that we get so attached to like computers, Mp3 players, treadmills, cars.... We are blessed beyond measure.

I think you and I need to enjoy the time where we are at right now....we will never get this time back. It will never be the same. If you are single....enjoy it, hang out with your friends, be a blessing to others, travel and see missionaries, put your whole heart in the Lords work.

If you have a boyfriend or are engaged it is natural and good to look forward to the day when you are married but its also good to enjoy the time of courtship and dating....I hear its one of the best times. ☺

So girls, today, just look around and see the beauty in how life is now.....Love the present!



  1. Good advice--even for those of us who are older. I have to remind myself to live in the moment often.

    Hope your day is blessed.

    1. Thank you! I too am always thinking more about the future instead of loving the present.

  2. Great advice and I do love the present and the day. Such wisdom

  3. I read a lot, but don't comment enough! I LOVE this post, beautiful and inspirational! <3

    1. I know the feeling! I am glad you enjoyed the post. ♥

  4. Oh, yes -- living in the moment. Something I'm prone to forget. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. Yes, I agree! Good advice. God told Joshua to have the Israelites choose 12 stones from the Jordan River to set up as a reminder of the day he stopped the flow of the river. He wants us to remember. But he also told them to go forward into the promise land. Finding that balance between remembering and moving forward can be tricky. But I think you are on to something here! When we can be thankful for the blessings of the present, we are able to look back and forward with gratitude in our hearts. Good words, Iris!

    1. You are right Laura, it is definitely important to remember what the Lord has done to help us in the past. It encourages us to keep on serving him.



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