February 27, 2015

6 Month Anniversary Photography

Ever since Christmas I've been wanting to take some "professional" pictures but just didn't have time and it just was to cold. But in time for our 6 month anniversary it worked out....and the sun came out!! The sun inspires me to take pictures. And Pinterest gave me many ideas on poses.
Which is your favorite?

Love how this turned out!

February 25, 2015

Technic Museum

Patrick and I on the following Thursday (after the Titanic Museum) went to the Technik Museum in Speyer. Follow the link to see their little video and see how cool it is....

Saw it? Cool, isn't it?


February 24, 2015

Titanic Museum

Last week we had our winter break. I was still getting over the flu and Patrick pulled a muscle but one thing we definitely wanted to do.... go to the Titanic Museum. As a teenager Patrick was crazy about the Titanic so when my mom saw that a museum had a special exhibition of the Titanic she told us about it.

February 11, 2015

Breakfast Muffins

I did these breakfast muffins this week and they were great! I've been wanting to try make these muffins for awhile now and finally had everything (the muffin pan) I needed together.

February 09, 2015

Valentines Mantle

So I got my Valentines mantle done this weekend and I quite love it! ☺ The roses were actually a surprise gift from Patrick last Monday...and I decided to use them for my decorations. Sadly the entire shelf fell down once....breaking some of the stems and smooshing my beautiful roses.

February 02, 2015

My February Wreath

This wreath was a quick project made with things I had at home. My wreath is the same like I had for Christmas. I added the heart with L O V E which I got for a wedding gift from my pen-pal and tied some red and white polka-dot ribbons to it and VIOLA! ☺

Quick and simple....but cute. How do you like it?