January 31, 2013

Kings Palace & Wooded Beauty // Free Backgrounds

This first one I call "The Kings Palace". The style is a rich vintage with the deep red and soft gold colors.


This rustic background is called "Wooded Beauty" and will give spice up any blog.  The rough wood makes it feel natural, the writing give it an artistic touch and the flowers add feminine beauty.


To make it yours...you have to log into your blog and click on the ‘Design’ on the upper right hand corner.

Now click on ‘Layout’ on the left hand column. Next click on ‘Add a Gadget’. Then click the plus sign next to Html/JavaScript. This is the box you will paste the above code in. Now click save and check out your new background!!
Width size for the entire blog is best 1000px and for the sidebar 250px.

Give credit and add this button on your blog:


Which one do you like better?

January 30, 2013

Fashioned & Designed // Guest Post

Hello to all in The Blue Birdhouse! Iris invited me to share a little about myself and my blog today (my first guest post ever- she is a brave girl to let me try it here! =). My name is Emily, and I'm the author of the blog Fashioned and Designed (because every lady is handmade by God). That tagline says simply why I do what I do. My hope is that through blogging I remind other ladies (not to mention myself, because I struggle with this too) that they are each a beautiful, custom-made creation by God, the Master Craftsman, designed for His glory, and encourage them to present themselves as exactly that every day in how they dress and act.

"I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are they works, and that my soul knoweth full well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written; which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them."

You can see how I got the inspiration for the blog title. =) Even though David is marveling at how he is made, he doesn't focus on himself; his thoughts go straight to God. If I am made like this, how amazing and wise must my Creator be?

Fashioned and Designed is a "modest fashion blog" so, in an effort to be practical, it turns out I write a lot about clothes. That is, modest outfits I wear and examples of fashion trends that can be worn with modesty. Occasionally I share something encouraging I have learned about modesty and purity from the standpoint of the Bible. I posted my first crafty, DIY kind-of-a-project this week, but there are some more in the works to show my readers how to customize and alter their wardrobe and accessories for modesty and style.

My personal style is a little bit of everything I love. I like to play with pattern and color and experiment with new combinations; I'll try just about anything at least once. Today I picked a difficult skirt to style, but I wanted to show you how versatile even this can be; I even wear it in different seasons.

I-Wanna-Be-a-Ballerina Look
Skirt and shrug: LOFT Outlet
Tee: Marshall's
Necklace: Made by me
Shoes: Payless

Preppy Schoolgirl Look
Skirt and shirt: LOFT Outlet
Sweater: Isaac Mizrahi for Target
Shoes: Steinmart

You all are always welcome at my blog. I love getting feedback from readers and just visiting with you.

Thanks, Iris, for letting me to take over The Blue Birdhouse today!


Thank you Emily for joining me here in the Blue Birdhouse. I hope you all enjoyed this modesty post as much as I did. Now lets be friendly and fly over to Fashioned & Designed and give Emily a nice Thank you!

-Love, Iris♥

January 29, 2013

My Year Verse // Vlog

Like I said, I did my vlog for the month. After thinking about what my first one will be about I finally sat down and just talked....almost 15 minutes long. It can only get better from here and next time I will try not to be so long winded. ☺


Tell me about your life's verse or year's verse!

January 28, 2013

Plaid & Vintage Pink // Free Blog Backgrounds

I will try to share with you a few blog backgrounds a month. I have created so many in the past and never use them and so I thought I would just start sharing them here with my readers and other interested people and make my work to good use!

Bellow you see a soft plaid background. The letters L-O-V-E are perfect for the month of February or any time of the year. The colors are classic and match to many styles and blog themes.


Here is another style for your blog....VINTAGE PINK! The soft pink and green will give your blog readers a warm welcome, the lace giving it a sweet feminine touch.

To make it yours...you have to log into your blog and click on the ‘Design’ on the upper right hand corner.

Now click on ‘Layout’ on the left hand column. Next click on ‘Add a Gadget’. Then click the plus sign next to Html/JavaScript. This is the box you will paste the above code in. Now click save and check out your new background!!
Width size for the entire blog is best 1000px and for the sidebar 250px.

Give credit and add this button on your blog:



January 26, 2013

Goals 2013 // Week 4

→Be more efficient with my time- I was OK....Grade B-
→A glass of water every day- I was good at this. On one day I forgot and drank 2 glasses of water on another day.
→Play piano 4x a week- Done....practicing my Hanon.
→Play violin once a week-I did it! I did it!
→Exercise 15 minutes- Nope...I've been doing a lot of walking but no exercising.
→Pass out a tract- I punctually thought about this time. When I had my tracts on me I didn't meet people and when people passed me, I had no tracts.

Today I tried making a new header....a special one....a image with multiple urls...and it did not work. :( I am so sad. I put alot of work into it but the HTML....the header is all crooked. Hopefully I can fix it soon but for now....I just changed the pictures on the existing header. ☺


January 25, 2013

Our Snow Pictures

This week was not as eventful as last week but here are some things from this week, well....I forgot something this week which is this first picture. Last week I had nursery and during snack time Miss. Iris had a little to much fun her food and made....yep...an owl.

I've been wanting some new pictures of me and Patrick....for many reasons. One, I love love love pictures...of us. Two, I needed a new picture for my blog header which is to come....ugh still working on HTML stuff because this header is "special"....ye shall see.
Anyway...I saw some ideas on pinterest that I wanted to do and you may have seen this thing about cutting shapes and putting them on your camera and the lighting is all cool in the pictures. Either it only works outside or only on DSLR cameras....cause this is what I got....
So we went for a quick walk and the ideas in my head, my grandma as the photographer and Patrick ready as my cute boyfriend we were ready for the photo shoot.

Ok, the picture bellow is so hilarious....this was NOT planned but I love how we all are bending over....including Paxton, my dog!

Love this cute picture of us! Idea from <here>

You know how you have these FAIL photos....well we got one too. Look at us all sweet and Paxton...photo bomb!

Afterwards we had a snowball fight and my Oma just kept taking pictures. Patrick got me right in the face...BIG TIME....and after that was revenge....I finally got him while he was getting more snow but here a few fun ones.

So the other day, when was it, I think it was Wednesday I saw this owl picture from Eric Barklay and it inspired me to this cold little fellow bellow....after that I've been on the roll just drawing and coloring (with chalk) more and more owls in my new sketch book. Which one is your favorite?

Inspired by <this>

Some awkward happened Wednesday. In the morning right before I wanted to walk Paxton my nose started to bleed...I mean pretty hard. Somewhere in between standing over the sink I took my glasses off. I wanted to put them on but so this big plop of blood on one glass. I rinsed it off but look what I saw....it had somehow gotten into the rim. Don't ask me how and it took a whole day of soaking in peroxide to take most of it out....yeah, most. I still have some in there but not to noticeable. Like I said: Awkward!

Was there anything weird that happened in your week?

PS: I did my vlog today....be on the watch for it before the Month is over!

January 24, 2013

Grey Days to Glimmering Blog Party

1) What's your favorite thing to do when you've been feeling uninspired?
Read....go on pinterest.....it gives me new ideas and helps me come up with new things I can do and/or write about.
2) Tell us about a really great movie/show that you've just discovered.
Green Acres....I don't know if I can recommend it...yet. I just saw one show yesterday and it was funny and clean.
3) What do you like to do to change your mood?
Listen to godly music....dwell on good thought...pray and just do something fun. Helps every time.
4) Your favorite drink is currently...
A new tea (Rose-hip, Raspberry, Cola nuts) my grandma got for her birthday. ☺ Its not her favorite taste and so I get to drink it. ☺
5) When you hear the word exuberant, what's the first word that comes to mind?
6) What made you smile last?
My dog being rediculous.....he likes his bed but likes to just lay on the carpet as well BUT as soon as you touch his bed or lay something on it real quick he HAS TO lay on it....every time. ☺
7) What five songs would make a playlist to describe your week?
I have a hard time with this since I really am only familiar with hymns....

8) What's at the top of your creative 'To-Do' list?
sew a "skirt" for my skirt-purse and fix my new vintage dress to fit perfectly.

9) The last thing you crossed off the above list was...
designing a new multiple url header for my blog....coming soon....hopefully.

10) Quickly - the first movie quote from the top of your head, please!
Oh my...I am bad at movie quotes. I had to think awhile but came up with: "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all." -Thumper (from Bambi)

11) The best thing about January is...
A new year with lots of plans....and my Grandma's birthday.

12) The worst thing about January is...
Its stress that bleeds into January from December....getting everything done you put off during the holidays.

13) What's your #1 resolution for 2013?
Finish college classes!!!!

14) And lastly, share a quote or verse that you've found especially inspiring lately.
"My Soul, wait thou only upon God; for thine expectation is from him" -Psalm 62:5
Trust in his timing,
Rely on his promises,
Wait on his answers,
Believe in his miracles,
Rejoice in his goodness,
Relax in his presence. 

I had such fun being apart of this Blog party.....but there is more!!! There is a giveaway going on and you can be a part of that too! Go head over Accordion to Kellie.....

January 23, 2013

A Blue Skirt in the Snow

It has been so cold the last few days. It was so cold the streetcars could not drive because the Electric lines were frozen over....no this is not normal for Heidelberg! As cold as it is, the snow is worth it. I used to live north of Nürberg and we had waaaay more snow than here in Heidelberg so I am really enjoying the white beauty!

This dress is becoming a new favorite of mine....its a really full skirt and just has this "vintagy" flair. I have to tops that look cute on it and this one is my favorite....I will have to experiment and see how what else I can wear with it. My oma took the pictures so I wouldn't have to stand in the cold to long....welcome to my

Have you had abnormally cold weather where you are?

January 22, 2013

Corsets & Co // Vintage Finds

Yesterday, when we walked my dog Paxton one last time we saw a pile of "junk" someone threw out and started looking what they had and this is what I found! Two beautiful vintage cans and one Chinese tea can. I am super happy about the vintage cans.

What would you use these for?

January 19, 2013

Goals 2013- Week Three

→Be more efficient with my time- Was OK...good days- bad days
→A glass of water every day- Yes!!! Everyday! ☺
→Play piano 4x a week- not so good....I did practiced Hanon and other techniques....I played 3x
→Play violin once a week- nope, didn't do it again *sigh* that is why its on my goal list.
→Exercise 15 minutes- I didn't do my workout but I had to walk to church 30 minutes and back 30 minutes and ride Patrick's bike standing up... good enough?
→Pass out a tract- Noooooo, I didn't do it again. *sad face* Another thing to work at.

Keep me accountable people....I am going to get better!!! 49 weeks to go!

January 18, 2013

Forgotten keys, Washing-machine, Birthdays & more

This week has been quite eventful:


I went to do some birthday shopping and in order to get the store quicker I used Patrick bike (that was an interesting experience since its a men's bike and way to big....let just say that getting on and off wasn't very modest....and I could only ride standing or I couldn't reach the pedals) Well in order to lock the bike up at the store I needed the keys.

I did my shopping, came back home, we had dinner, did school and what not. Patrick drives home (with his bike) which is about a 20 minute ride only to find out that I still have the keys!!! No, he wasn't to happy to have to ride back, get the keys and ride home again...oops

We got a new washing machine!!! Our old one has not been working for weeks. A friend tried to repair it but always the next thing would not work. My uncle gave us money for a new washing machine for Christmas. I am not kidding that the poor washing machine has been washing not stop ever since we have gotten it!

Also, this day was my Oma's birthday:

I also started a Marriage Preparation Course at church that day. Its been interesting so far. We talked about what the Bible says about marriage: that its good but not necessary to make us happy and to keep us pure before the wedding day.

Wednesday, we applied for the visa which you can read <here>


Every two weeks some ladies of the church will get together and learn to sew, knit, crochet, ect. We are starting with sewing. Of course I already know how to sew but this way I will actually get to sewing! I already know what I'll be working at....and it will be DIY here on the blog....☺

And I am just loving the snow!!!

How has your week been? Later on today I want to take some pictures with Patrick!

Stay in touch! Follow me here:

made by Irismade by Irismade by Irismade by Irismade by Irismade by Iris